BIOSes for Zida Tomato motherboards

BIOSes for Zida Tomato BX98-CT

Below is a list of all available BIOS for the Zida BX98-CT motherboard. Depending on the BIOS type, it is necessary to choose a suitable flashing program. All files were historically obtained either directly from the manufacturer or from public sources on the Internet. The manufacturer Zida Technologies has not existed for a long time and therefore only a small community of enthusiasts maintains this list. Please excuse any mistakes or unfinished works.



Size: 169,89 KB
Release: 1999-03-15 [March '99]
Downloaded: 69×

BIOS file / BIOS-Datei / Файл BIOS / Archivo BIOS / BIOS dosyası / BIOS文件

  • BIOS File name:
  • BIOS ID: Award 3A6LFZ1AC   (ID list)
  • This is the first official BIOS for this board.
    Added support for PIII processors with 512kB L2 cache, including the option to enable or disable the use of its serial number.
    Reportedly fixed some problem in the Chinese version of Windows when using a Celeron processor.
    Celeron processors from 300 to 533 MHz (PPGA) supported.
    CANNOT be used here FC-PGA version PIII (with 256 kB L2) !!!
Download BIOS BX98-CT


Size: 177,15 KB
Release: 1999-09-11 [September '99]
Downloaded: 164×

BIOS file / BIOS-Datei / Файл BIOS / Archivo BIOS / BIOS dosyası / BIOS文件

  • BIOS File name:
  • BIOS ID: Award 3A6LFZ1AC   (ID list)
  • Added support for disk over 8.4 GB (up to 32 GB).
    Included with this version is Symbios Logic SDMS (TM) V4.03.02 PCI SCSI BIOS (SCSI Configuration Utility Version 1.04) with support for SYM53C810, SYM53C825, SYM53C815, SYM53C810A, SYM53C860, SYM53C825A and SYM53C875 chips.

    Note: Motherboard does not support FC-PGA processors (PIII with 256k L2 cache and Celerons over 533MHz - green).
    Note: The board does not support VIA Cyrix III and Pentium III (FC-PGA).
    Note: We have verified that the ST340016A disk (40 GB).
Download BIOS BX98-CT

Latest Zida Tomato BIOSes

Motherboard Version Date Downloads
P845SD 1.50 2002-11-11 64×
A815EU 1.20 2002-06-22 63×
A845SD 1.40 2002-06-11 70×
P845GL 1.31 2002-06-06 64×
A845DD 1.07 2002-05-18 66×

TOP5 downloaded BIOSes

Motherboard Version Date Downloads
4DPS 4.01e 1998-12-01 485×
4DPS 1.72 1997-07-08 377×
A845DD 1.02 2001-12-11 244×
TX98-3D 1.16m 2001-01-01 244×
4DPS 4.00e 1998-09-01 232×

TOP5 PDF Zida datasheets

Version Date Downloads
5SVA r1.6 1998-07-03 1017×
4DPS r2.00 1997-10-15 493×
4DPS r2.10 1998-01-01 486×
ZX98-CT r1.00 1999-04-22 477×
4DPS r3.10 1999-06-18 447×

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