BIOSes for Zida Tomato motherboards

BIOSes for Zida Tomato TX100-3D

Below is a list of all available BIOS for the Zida TX100-3D motherboard. Depending on the BIOS type, it is necessary to choose a suitable flashing program. All files were historically obtained either directly from the manufacturer or from public sources on the Internet. The manufacturer Zida Technologies has not existed for a long time and therefore only a small community of enthusiasts maintains this list. Please excuse any mistakes or unfinished works.



Size: 118,94 KB
Release: 1999-08-31 [August '99]
Downloaded: 80×

BIOS file / BIOS-Datei / Файл BIOS / Archivo BIOS / BIOS dosyası / BIOS文件

  • BIOS File name:
  • BIOS ID: AMI TX100-3D-HK0   (ID list)
  • Using this version no longer leaves the AMD K6-2/350, but is still not very suitable for use.
    Added AMD K6-2 and K6-III support up to 600 MHz.
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Size: 120,6 KB
Release: 2000-01-31 [January '00]
Downloaded: 84×

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  • BIOS File name:
  • BIOS ID: AMI TX100-3D-HK0   (ID list)
  • Added support for faster CPUs (eg Cyrix MII up to 550/100 MHz, K6-2 / K6-III up to 600 MHz, WinChip 2A up to 300 MHz).
    Attention: some AMD K6-2 incorrectly detect supply voltage.
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Size: 121,33 KB
Release: 2000-06-01 [June '00]
Downloaded: 69×

BIOS file / BIOS-Datei / Файл BIOS / Archivo BIOS / BIOS dosyası / BIOS文件

  • BIOS File name:
  • BIOS ID: AMI TX100-3D-HK0   (ID list)
  • Fixed a bug in the DMI setup where the board initially spoke as FIC INC. PA2011, now it's right: ZIDA TX100.
    Fixed a bug when using a ZIP drive. In the older versions they were detected as LS-120, now only LS-120/ZIP.
    Modified names of WinChip 2A processors (eg originally there were 200, 233, 233-83, ... and now 200-66, 233-66, 233-83, ...).
    Adjusted power supply for AMD K6-2 processor. For types 450, 475, 500 and 533 you can select 2.2 or 2.4V. Types 550 and 600 are always only 2.3V. The rest is all at 2.2V.
    Advice not to use Cyrix MII with voltage 2.2V (only 2.9V).
Download BIOS TX100-3D


Size: 121,47 KB
Release: 2000-06-13 [June '00]
Downloaded: 68×

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  • BIOS File name:
  • BIOS ID: AMI TX100-3D-HK0   (ID list)
  • Finally, there is full support for Cyrix MII processors. As of this version, all types at 2.V or 2.9V are supported.
    New "TOMATO TM" logo displayed at start.
    The BIOS does not resolve the incompatibility with the Abit HotRod HA66 PCI controller (it does not allow booting from it, after running the OS from a standard IDE controller and loading the drivers, it can be accessed).
Download BIOS TX100-3D


Size: 123,17 KB
Release: 2000-06-29 [June '00]
Downloaded: 84×

BIOS file / BIOS-Datei / Файл BIOS / Archivo BIOS / BIOS dosyası / BIOS文件

  • BIOS File name:
  • BIOS ID: AMI TX100-3D-HK0   (ID list)
  • Added support for booting from ZIP Drive.
Download BIOS TX100-3D

Latest Zida Tomato BIOSes

Motherboard Version Date Downloads
P845SD 1.50 2002-11-11 64×
A815EU 1.20 2002-06-22 63×
A845SD 1.40 2002-06-11 70×
P845GL 1.31 2002-06-06 64×
A845DD 1.07 2002-05-18 66×

TOP5 downloaded BIOSes

Motherboard Version Date Downloads
4DPS 4.01e 1998-12-01 485×
4DPS 1.72 1997-07-08 377×
A845DD 1.02 2001-12-11 244×
TX98-3D 1.16m 2001-01-01 244×
4DPS 4.00e 1998-09-01 232×

TOP5 PDF Zida datasheets

Version Date Downloads
5SVA r1.6 1998-07-03 1017×
4DPS r2.00 1997-10-15 493×
4DPS r2.10 1998-01-01 486×
ZX98-CT r1.00 1999-04-22 477×
4DPS r3.10 1999-06-18 447×

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